This is a rant.
This rant, my dear sweet children, is going to be about so-called "Christian" chain emails - You know what I'm talking about..."If you love Jesus you'll pass this on - he who is ashamed of Christ, Christ will be ashamed of in Heaven!"
You all know what I'm talking about and who I'm talking to: The folks who invent and pass along any deceitful and offensive chain email containing the idea that Jesus himself will ignore you if you don't forward an EMAIL to 15 or more people?!, so...lemme see if I got this straight here. Jesus...loves me enough to go through years on Earth learning what it's like to feel human pain, lust, longing, joy, fear, personal victories and failures...
And then he allows himself to be dragged all over Judea by cruel Romans and his OWN people...
Only then to be beaten will studded, spiked flails, meat and blood spewing from his open wounds...
And then subjected to the most CRUEL and AWFUL TORTURE invented by mankind...
Fed vinegar, crying out to the God that sent him here to experience all this on my behalf....
Because He loves me.
But only if I forward this email to 15 people? LOL. Please. You know what, folks? If you believe that, then you have just reduced all that I just said to a joke.
And I hope you realize what it's doing to those of us who take our personal faith in our God more seriously than a stupid forward button.
I mean...WHAT?! Was I asleep through that part of Sunday School? Because my Dad is a preacher, folks! I was there every Sunday! Maybe what we're ashamed of, boys and girls, is the fact that you guys are actually taking these god-awful goofy wastes of KB space seriously enough to share them with us! B/c folks...I've read the Bible. The old school prophets and saints write a whole lot better than what you're passing off.
The drivel that you are passing off as faith demeans the faith of myself and my brothers and sisters. It reduces my personal, loving God of Grace and Truth to a pointless chain email, or bulletin, or what the web ever...and I resent it DEEPLY. Who gave you the right to judge people in such a careless way? Certainly not the Jesus I believe in; He would tell you that only God will judge each of us.
Your attempts at digitized religious indignation anger me. How DARE you question beliefs I have held dearly all my life because I did not forward someone's bland poetry? Thank you all for reducing a worldwide religion to a series of retarded chain mails that no one takes seriously any longer.
Wait, I apologize. I suppose you do.
Why don't you try stepping out of your Christian support group and talk to someone you don't know? Maybe even a *gasp* GAY person! God forbid you might like them. Get along with them. Find a common ground. Share each others' experience instead of hating each other because you never tried to step past the outer layers of your divided societies and really SEE each other as HUMAN BEINGS.
Jesus ate with whores and tax collectors. The least you could do is stand up from behind your computer, go out to your car with the fish sticker, and go meet some people and try to love them instead of passing judgement and hellfire on them from your lofty roller chair.
I'm Carey Shane McElveen, and I am a believer in my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. But not this watered down pseudo-Christianity, and not Uber-Christianity. And not your stupid, hopped up chain hate mails. I suggest you think very hard very soon about your beliefs and you make sure what you're doing is for God and not yourself. I suggest you make that Jesus that you rail on about - with cute pictures of doves and waving baptismal water - your own personal Jesus. Then I suggest you get a life and grow some compassion before you open your mouth about MY GOD again.
Whether you pass this along or keep it to yourself, Jesus is going to love you either way. Remember that, people. I may be mad enough to choke the stupid out of you right now, but thankfully, I'm not God.
And neither are the folks who write your bland Jesus emails.
Have a great night, and please read and think before you speak or forward. Think about how you are making others feel when you spew your judgements in the office.
Think. Love one another. Treat one another as you would like to be treated. Pray.
Good night.