me: No idea what that is, dude.
Matt: It's the belief that the wafers and wine taken @ communion actually transform into the body and blood of Christ.
me: Ew.
Matt: Protestants believe its a symbol, but Catholics actually believe when they are blessed they transform. SO, if they transform into the body and blood of Christ, that means they are going to sh*t and p*ss Jesus...which means Jesus is getting treated in sewage treatment plants, and returned back into the earth and water supply and everyone else is drinking and eating Jesus...
so in 4.9 billion years...the earth will be 100% Jesus.
me: That's the long range plan, yeah. Didn't you read Revelations?
Matt: Well we eat about 3.6x10^18 atoms of Jesus every day.
me: Tell me these are bullsh*t figures...
Matt: Actually they aren't.
me: Jesus Christ...
Matt: Yeah, thats the point!
me: I need a drink.
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